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1993 Chevrolet Cavalier repairs and mods.

19 Fragen Alle anzeigen

I lost key to my 1988 chevy cavalier.

I gave blank key code and code from glove box on lock cylinder. Locksmiths said they can't make the key with those codes because it is pre-1992.

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Find a better. older locksmith. Call them first.

That failing, give your VIN number to the dealer and they will make you one, slower and more expensive.

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3 Kommentare:

I have an old chev truck that I lost the keys to and found that a hammer and screw driver work wonders on it ;>)


1993 cavilier. I have lost the key what. To do


Freddie, did you read anything mayer said? he literally instructed you on how to it, also the original post said what that did to, since yours is a 93, follow what the original poster said. Also this should be a question not a comment


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