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Advanced GPS for Trucks, released in 2015, equipped with voice control and can easily be used on any truck.

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Garmin automotive device displays the message "No Detailed Maps Found"

What should I do if my Garmin automotive device displays the message "No Detailed Maps Found That Support Routing" or "No Map Data Available?"

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I had this problem as well. The device said the maps were up to date but all smaller roads were missing.

The problem seems to be that when I was in Garmin Express and was doing the initial map install I was on the "Applying Changes" page and I thought the app had hung so I clicked the "Cancel" button. It looks like the device didn't know the map file was just a partial file, but acted like everything was fine. It kept returning "Maps up to date" when I checked.

To fix I selected "Manage Maps" in Garmin Express and selected a different "Region" which I let completely install. This fixed the problem.


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I reinstalled the device on the Garmin Express as per the following video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bshGsaVO...

It worked

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This message generally displays when there is something wrong with the mapping files on the device. There are multiple fixes. First ensure that maps are enabled on your Garmin device, by going to Setting>Map & Vehicle>myMaps. In myMaps check the box next to the map you wish to load. If the error persists, then reinstall the maps, and update your device again. If the error occurred after installing a new SD card, the card itself may not be formatted correctly. Format and reinstall the SD card if this is the case, this should correct the error.

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I can't even go to Settings as the error message "No detailed maps found that support routing..." appears after I had pressed the "Agree" button after switching the my old GPs (Nuvi 268 model). I cannot go any further from this stage. What should I do next?


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Did everything by the book. Formatted the USB drive per guideline from Garmin, got the GarminDevice.xml from the car and able to download the update from Garmin using the newly installed most current release of Garmin Express. I was able to install the update to my car and received a successful message of the installation. But when I tried to use the Where To Address function to specify the destination address, I received a message “Data Map for this vehicle is not available”. I double checked through Settings/Map & Vehicle/myMaps and all maps for North America were already checked. I then went back to Garmin Express to Reinstall the update and after going through the same process as before, the problem remains. I checked the file folders on the USB drive and it appears the download process was successful. Any suggestions?

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I get continually get the same message: After Garmin update I see....

"Detailed maps are required for routing.

No detailed maps were found on this device."

What a F'n nightmare. I was better off before. Now all that this thing is good for is a doorstop.


I added an SD card, updated firmware & BaseCamp, and then tried many methods by updating the latest map, a partial map, and OpenStreetMap, all failed, the Nuvi 44 Garmin device always displayed “No detailed map …”. the Settings -> Map -> Info showed no detailed map on the device even though the map updates were completed with no error messages. Finally, I followed the instructions at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bshGsaVO... to remove and re-add the Nuvi 44LM device, selected [Choose a Region] rather than the [Memory Card] option, then reinstalled the map for [Canada and Bordering States] (this original smaller map option was not available until I re-added the device). After unplugging the SD card, I tested and proved that the Nuvi 44 worked and Settings -> Map -> Info showed a detailed map as it should. The lesson is not to use an SD card and use the [Remove] and [Add the Device] method.


same iisue with dezl 610 hate the %#*@ thing


ive done everything reset device removed garmin express and readded n had new sd card idk what to do now? im thinking i may try taking it to a best buy or elec express for help?


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