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Released in 2013; Android operating system; 8 inch screen size

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Why is my tablet not charging?

Every time I plug my tablet in, it does not charge. What do I do?

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student question


How be they make there Icon be there team logo so we know there students . This is the second one Ive answered today


@jimfixer , I agree sometimes waste 10 min or more answering, just to find it is a student ? and end up deleting my ans, does sort of P U OFF. So Jim I picked your answer. :-)


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4 Antworten

Gewählte Lösung

Disconnect the battery then reconnect and charge


This is a common issue with several tablets

Hope this helps

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Won't come on or charge

Update (11/18/2016)

Will not come on or charge

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check your adapter maybe is faulty or you have a defective battery does not store power

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You possibly have like a piece of dirt or something stuck in the base of your phone where you plug in the charger

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