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The Canon EOS 60D is a 18 MP DSLR (digital single-lens reflex) camera with an articulating LCD screen. The camera was released August 2010 and is identified by the EOS 60D printed on the front of the camera.

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Card write protected error

i have canon 60d and it tell me card write protected error when i insert a carrd into it. i have tried 4 cards already and its not the card lock issue. the same card works in other camera. i read in forums its issue with card reader in 60D. would like to if there is any known fixes for this?

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I know this reply is too late. But i believe this may help someone in the future.

The same thing happened to me yesterday. I was in the middle of a short film shoot and my camera started giving me "Card write protected" message. I searched in the forums and found that it's the problem with the card reader inside the camera.

I was left out with no other options at that time, so i tried cleaning the camera's memory card compartment by wrapping cloth at the tip of a small knife. And when i turned on the camera, it got worked like magic. :) Give it a try before spending some bucks on servicing it.

Hope this helps.

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Thanks u so much, i tried and its really working <3


You just saved my life! This was a miracle! Been trying to fix since November 2020.


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Where can I take it for repair

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My eos60d protected card erorr

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