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The 7th generation Honda Accord

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ignition switch electric problem

my honda accord wont start just makes 1 click noise. if i turn the key to 2nd position then try to start it sometimes it starts and sometimes i have to jiggle the key between these 2 positions to get it to start what could the prpoblem be?

Beantwortet! Antwort anzeigen Ich habe das gleiche Problem

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Did you ever receive an answe or diagnosis, mine is doing the same thing currently. And as the previous responder recommended I have tried all those operations and they are OK


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@lupejjsb ,Lupe, If battery is good and starter is good and you find your self having to wiggle the key when turning ignition to start the engine, I would suspect the ignition is worn and needs replaced. There have been various recalls on Honda's ignitions for various reasons and may be worth checking into. I will post a link below for Honda recall sight and how to change your ignition switch. Good luck.

I hope this helped you out, if so let me know by pressing the helpful button.



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Try to put it on neutral not park and then turn on the key, if it start that’s mean its the neutral safety sensor has issue. If it didn’t start, the need to replace the ignition switch.

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Common Honda Accord Starter Problem:

1. Dead or Weak battery

2. Poor electrical connections at battery terminals

3. Park or Clutch Switch is Broken or Misadjusted

4. Security System Error

5. Damaged Starter

6. Fuel Delivery Problem

7. Spark Issue

If your vehicle fails to start don't just let it sit, as the problem may only get worse. Hope this can help you check your car and know what you can do.

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I just tried it shift it to neutral it did start one click

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