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Dell Inspiron 15 (1564) was released in 2010.

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Why my pc is not starting?

why my laptop is not starting i Turn power button on but just led is blinking i tried by changing battery but all in vain kindly help me someone asked my that may be motherboard is dead.help me plz

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Try the following:

Remove the charger, then remove the battery pack from the laptop.

Press and hold the Power button for 30 seconds then release the button.

Connect the charger to the laptop and switch on the charger. (leave the battery out of the laptop at this stage).

Start the laptop.

If the laptop starts, allow it to boot all the way to the Windows desktop.

When the laptop has 'settled' down, (i.e HDD light is not continually on) shutdown the laptop in the normal way.

When the laptop has completely shutdown, switch off and remove the charger from the laptop.

Re insert the battery into the laptop, reconnect and switch on the charger and start the laptop.

If the laptop starts allow it to boot all the way to the Windows desktop. Once there check the charge state of the battery. If it is charging allow it to fully charge before switching off the charger and removing the charger from the laptop.

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I suggest you to follow the steps provided below, first to release any static power in the laptop that may be causing this issue:

1. Remove the battery and the AC Adapter from the laptop.

2. Press and hold the Power button for 20 seconds and release it.

3. Reconnect the battery, AC Adapter and press the Power button.

4. The laptop should power on if the static charge was the cause.

You can press the "Fn" key and the "Power" button to start the hardware diagnostics if the laptop fails to power on after following the steps provided above.

Please let me know about your findings.

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this has already been suggested by @jayeff however you could suggest trying an external monitor in the event its a display problem That could make a good additional answer that I would vote for


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