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The HTC One (codenamed M7) is HTC's 2013 flagship smartphone. It features a seamlessly designed unibody aluminum frame, large dual front-facing speakers, and a 4.7-inch 1080p display.

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My phone brick while updating and on recovery mode

my phone brick while updating and on recovery mode

e:missing bitmap oem_unlock_bg

(code -1)

e:missing bitmap oem_unlock_bg_yes

(code -1)

e:missing bitmap oem_unlock_bg_no

(code -1)

e:missing bitmap icon_ruu

(code -1)

e:failed to mount /data (invalid argument)..try emmc mount

handle_cota_install: can't mount /data

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i try to factry resat my phone and i break only show boot logo.. how to fix


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2 Antworten

first you shoud do s-off your phone after that you can unbrick it.

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Thank you very much

1.when I have plug in the charger in it, it display 0% within 30 seconds it display 100% but it not work ?

2.when I want to use factory setup up it start and failed after a few seconds?

3.How can I unlocked this locked phone?

May God bless your days.

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