My GtX 780 switches on with green lights but doesnt display

It can't be my computers fault since it displays my other graphics card without an issue. I have had this graphics for around a year now so it would be weird for it to be broken. I have tired all the ports in the graphics card. I starting to think all my display ports are dead on my graphics card. I have tried all SLI slots but still cant get anything to display.

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Hi, Have you tried re seating the card (with the power off of course)?

Have you checked in Device Manager to see if it is working OK - no red crosses or yellow exclamation marks?


Not all motherboards have onboard graphics, if this is the case and you want to do as jayeff suggested...Install the good card into your first PCI slot "closest to the processor" then install your problem card in the next available PCI slot that it will fit into. Then check your Device Manager.


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