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Das Huawei Honor 3C wurde im Dezember 2013 angekündigt und hat einen 5,0" IPS LCD kapazitiven Touchscreen.

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Phone is restarting by itself

My honor 3C is restarting all by itself. It usually happens when i run facebook app on my mobile. It was running fine before and now it got issue? Anybody got same problem? Can anyone help?

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I tried resetting my phone but the problem remained there. Then I updated it from jelly bean to kitkat and the problem resolved.

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Mehreen how did u update it to kitkat , i went to huawei service center to upgrade its software but they could not able to do so , kindly share some knowledge


o yaar mera b aj yehi masla he agr ap logn k ha ho gya he tu batain


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Your Phone is restarting by itself because of the software problem... you have to restore your phone by using iTunes..

Thank You.....

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I tried resetting it. but when i downloaded fb app, it started creating issue again.


iTunes? This isn't even an apple device.


I have also same problem. So, what to do?


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