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CMOS Battery Replacement help?

hi, i have tried to follow the instructions for replacing this battery - however the photo of the computer on the website looks nothing like the insides i see when i open my computer. where is the battery located?

thanks for help !!

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sergeinechaev Use the link below to see how to replace your battery. If this is not your make and model post back in comments. Good luck.

I hope this helped you out, if so let me know by pressing the helpful button.

Dell Optiplex GX620 CMOS Battery Replacement

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sergeinechaev, check the vid's links the first vid shows it may be under hard drive on the mother board.




thanks for your quick reply - yeah, i saw this photo before i tried to replace the battery - but where is this battery located?

on my computer model this isn't visible when i open the cover ---and is perhaps located behind or under something?


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