Keyboard does not work.
The keyboard, not the touch screen one but the real one, stopped working. How do I fix this?
Ist dies eine gute Frage?
The keyboard, not the touch screen one but the real one, stopped working. How do I fix this?
Ist dies eine gute Frage?
Hi @asm3davis,
Try disconnecting (or removing) the Bluetooth connection for the keyboard in Settings and then reconnecting it again.
Here is a link that shows how to do it in Win 10
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Since the OP still has not responded and it's months after the post was originally made, I'll supply the following in the hopes for an answer to the question.
Model Number = EWT935DK
Sys = Windoze 10
Tablet appears to be in proper working order, verified via reset/restore to factory settings; the mag-keyboard still appears to not want to function (however power indicator lights up on the external keyboard).
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Hi @kennyhendrick ,
Have you checked in Device Manager that the keyboard is 'installed' properly, i.e. no red crosses or yellow exclamation marks against entry?
(Quick access to Device Manager in Win 10 - right click on Windows start button lower left corner an options box appears left side find and click on Device Manager link)
Have you tried starting the tablet in 'safe mode' to see if the keyboard is OK when used in that mode? You may have a driver conflict of some kind.
To connect this keyboard to the tablet you have to first click the connect button on the keyboard. Then in the Bluetooth Control Panel you will pair the device, after that you'll be promoted with the number you then type on keyboard and hit enter . Wait some time and pairing should be complete.
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I had the same issue. Finally found the fix. Open Device and Printers. Turn on your Bluetooth keyboard and click connect to make it discoverable. Next click Add Device on the tablet and the Keyboard should show up. Click it and it'll ask for a passcode. Beneath that box it says something along the lines of you may need a passcode. Click that and it'll generate a new code. Input that code on your Bluetooth Keyboard and hit Enter. Windows will register it and you're good to go.
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I've been trying to look for the devices and printers on the Ematic settings and I can't find it would you be able to help me?
I was able to figure it out after reading your above comment so on a Window 10 tablet or as I have a Ematic tablet/PC what you need to go into Devices and Printers already installed than add a new device. Under it says you want a code click that and enter it on the keyboard not in the screen window. Enter the code on keyboard and hit enter on the keyboard, than it will download the files and be connected. But a very big Thank you on the above article....
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Okay I'm connected to Bluetooth then it tells me to go to devices and printing something I don't see it together. What I see is connected devices on the bottom says Bluetooth, cast, Printing and nearby share. On my settings I see network and internet on the bottom connected devices on the bottom apps and notification on the bottom battery on the bottom display on the bottom sound on the bottom screenshot on the bottom storage on the bottoms security and location on the bottom users and accounts on the bottom accessibility on the bottom Google on the bottom system
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4 Kommentare
Hi, What is the model number of your tablet and what OS is installed?
von jayeff
Model Number = EWT828
Windows 10
My table directed me to enter a pin number on my Bluetooth keyboard that it provided.
I entered the pin number on the keyboard, but did not write it down.
Now I am prompted to enter that pin number when trying to pair the keyboard with the tablet, but I don’t have that pin number.
I need to reset the pin number.
How can I reset the pin number?
Would resetting the tablet to original factory settings allow me to start over?
von asm3davis
I have the ematic and my keyboard u plug in not working
von Donielle
Keyboard stopped working . How do I fix this?
Model: EGQ238BD
von Venice Soto