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The HTC HD2 is a smartphone manufactured by HTC and running the Windows Mobile 6.5 operating system.

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installation guide of the motherboard?

Hello and congratulations for the site ....

My problem is that HD2 is no longer able to start some time.

by the various attempts I made with technical, it appears that the problem is the motherboard.

If you can put a guide on how to mount it and maybe buy it from you.

Thanks and good luck!

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Is this item water damaged at all?

I will be making a tear down guide soon.


The motherboard will be too expensive to purchase. You can find a working HD2 with a cracked screen or broken LCD and buy it and use the board from it.

If you have insurance through the carrier, pay the $135 and get a replacement phone. (It's $135 for T-Mobile).


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If you are interested in checking out the teardown and to replace your motherboard, here are the guides that i use. http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthre... and http://pocketnow.com/hardware-1/official... good luck

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