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The HP Envy dv7 is a Windows 8 laptop that features a 17.3-inch screen.

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Need a replacement part.

The laptop got dropped, and broke the internal part transferring power from the charger. Battery can't charge, and plugged in, not enough power is being trasferred into the laptop. Anybody out there know someone/somewhere it can be fixed? Bestbuy said they can't get the part. The laptop cost $2,000 and is not 5 years old. Help.

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Here is a link to the service manual for your laptop.


Scroll to p.75 to view the necessary pre-requisites and then the procedure to remove the Power connector cable.

There are two options with the power cable, dependent on the processor type installed in the laptop.

Here are the details with associated part numbers:

For use only on computer models equipped with an AMD processor 681973-001

For use only on computer models equipped with an Intel processor 681974-001

If you search online, using just the part number only, you will get suppliers of the part.

Here are just two examples (one of each type) to give an idea of the cost of the part and what it looks like. It is not a recommendation to use the suppliers shown. There are others online that may suit you better.

AMD processor type cable 681973-001


Intel type processor cable 681974-001


Hopefully this is of some help.

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Gary Lippman , Part and how to replace it links below, that is if you would like to give it a try. You can also google search the part for better pricing possibly. Always ensure the part is correct for your device before ordering. The port may also be possibly fixed by a tech. at a shop. If not up to doing the repair your self pop into a local good computer repair shop have them take a look and estimate repair. Good luck.

I hope this helped you out, if so let me know by pressing the helpful button.




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