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Das Apple iPhone 5s wurde am 10. September 2013 angekündigt. Die Reparatur dieses Geräts ist ähnlich wie bei den Vorgängermodellen und erfordert Schraubendreher und Hebelwerkzeuge. Verfügbar mit GSM oder CDMA mit 16, 32 oder 64 GB in silber, gold und space grau.

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Power button stuck after rear case replacement

I'm changing iPhone 5S rear case, but for some reason power button does not seat properly in its place during assemble. It's stuck and I can't push it. Button doesn't move at all. I have watched it very closely so that everything is in the right position, and I just can't find what is wrong.

Hinge of the power button bracket is on its place, orientation of the button is correct, I have moved this little round metal plate from the old button to the new one and also the little black dot is still on its place on the top of the cable.

I tried to search this with Google and from this web page but couldn't find anything. Does anyone have had this same problem? This is already the second time I have encountered this problem. Is there some easy trick to get this fixed or what? I just can't figure out why this power button gets stuck every time I try to replace it.

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Finally I solved the problem. I wonder why this answer couldn't be found anywhere on the internet. Maybe someone should update iPhone 5S power button guide and mention this.

I had to tear down my another iPhone 5S to compare these power buttons, but finally I solved it. If you are moving metal bar from the old power button to the new one, it is not indifferent which way you put it. This metal bar is not symmetric, as I assumed, so if you put it wrong way, power button doesn't fit into its place correctly. Then it gets jammed when you assemble phone.

I have tried to draw correct position of metal bar to this picture. Notice those curves!!

Block Image

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Hi There,

When you tear down the phone always see where each components belong. I assume the Power button is not fitted in its origin al position. Try screwing the power button screw on the Frame. I guess that might help.

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