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Das iPhone 6 mit dem 4,7 Zoll Display ist die kleinere Version des iPhone 6 Plus und kam am 19. September 2014 auf dem Markt. Es hat die Modelnnummern A1549, A1586 und A1589.

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Why wont my phone turn on?

My I phone 6 has been putt away since i brought a 7 and i want to get it back out,

i have tried charging it for ridiculous hours and plugging it into my computer but i still cant get it to turn on.

When i plug it in the screen brings up the low battery logo, it then brings up the apple logo and turns off again.

If you have the lights off you can see the phone tries to turn on a glows a navy type colour.

I took it to the phone repair man to see if it was the battery and it did the same thing with a new battery in it.

please help

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I'm sure the repair man had the knowledge but just a thought, was the new battery that you tried a brand new out of the box battery or one that he knew was good? A new out of box should be charged before it gets used or it may not be charged in itself because I'm sure most batteries recommend to charge before the first use.


Did this iPhone have any damage before you put it away ?


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I would suggest trying to unplug the power button flex from the circuit board and plugging in the charger and see if it will come on then, if that doesn't work try a new battery, charging port, screen and if all else fails plug it into iTunes and put it in DFU mode and do a restore. you will lose all info.

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