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Das iPhone 6 Plus mit dem 5,5 Zoll Display ist die größere Version des iPhone 6 und seit dem 19. September 2014 auf dem Markt.

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after lcd replacement iPhone wont turn on


ITS very simple , after i replaced my iphone 6+ lcd , my lcd wont turn on i plugged to pc it recognized but still wont turn on ,and i can feel its charging . But when i put back my old lcd cracked it turns on and work just fine ,by the way i tried 3 different lcd

can any one help , i will really appreciate thanks

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Could it possibly be 3 lcds from the same batch its possible you could have gotten a bulk batch of bad screens. it happens somtimes i would order another lcd and try


Thanks for replying , you know the first lcd are from the same batch ,but the third from another lol ,thats why it driving me crazy


Who do you get your parts from?


HI , yes i did it but nothing,

i tried another company LCD from 3 different distributor , been recognized by iTunes ,still no image on LCD, i did try to press down ,without damaging the mother board still at square on , i tough it was the flex from the metal shield i did changed it nothing , and again still functioning with the old LCD

loll look likes a FRIDAY 13 MOVIES getting nuts

thanks for all answer

but i.m still looking for an answer



theres the image of the connector on lcd and phone

looking for answer thanks


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3 Antworten

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I would definitely try another company's screen for a last ditch effort and make sure the lcd connector is seated fully. Sometimes the connectors on the aftermarket screens aren't made exactly the same and you'll think they're pressed down all the way but they wont be making full contact. Sounds like you've done exactly what any technician at any shop would have done so far, you're on the right track. Let me know if this helps

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Hi everyone ,

i did tried another company LCD from 3 different distributor , but nothing than been recognized by iTunes ,still no image on LCD, i did try to press down ,without damaging the mother board still at square on , i tough it was the flex from the metal shield i did changed it nothing , and again still functioning with the old LCD

loll look likes a FRIDAY 13 MOVIES getting nuts

thanks for all answer

but i.m still looking for an answer


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take a look at the bottom edge LCD, does the LED come out? if yes the problem is on the data path between LCD and CPU, actual data path very rarely broken even if exposed to corrosion, try to clean the socket on the motherboard and try. if its doesn works, resolder the socket on motherboard. i hope this helps

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hey .

i did already connect to pc and i tune it recognized,it happened only with aftermarket lcd ??? thanks


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Your lcd may not compatible with your iphone.

your iphone starts but its display remain blank. try to call on your iphone number does it ring or not. if your iphone ring then we can say that display remain blank but iphone is working and problem with your new lcd.

also try to connect your iphone to computer. does iphone recognize by computer or not.

here is more detail troubleshooting for iphone ipad wont turn on black screen.


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Hi Senata

i did tried what you told me but i will take a look at the links thanks


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