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Herausgebracht von Lenovo im Oktober 2015. Modellnummer ZA0H0022US.

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Why is my tablet not charging

why is my tablet not charging

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Bewertung 10
10 Kommentare

change my charger istill not ok


even though I charge my tablet, it won't go on at all.

This is also a school tablet


So I have a tab 3 and tried charging it. The charging battery comes up after about 5 mins of being plugged in, but it won't go above 0%. The battery was fine the last time I used it (a month ago). I cannot get it to turn on. Help.


Mine is charging through a.c. mode yet still says charging at 50 % even when battery flat


this is third Lenovo tab and same problem each time. Lenovo I will NEVER buy one of your products again !!!!!


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Gewählte Lösung

Hi Derek Wood and @ossaidmz10 ,

Here is a link to the service manual for your tablet.

Scroll to p.84 to view the necessary pre-requisite steps and then the procedure to remove the USB charge port connector board

Here is the part number (I think) taken from the manual (p.30) There are 2 numbers listed so check the number on the board before you order a replacement ;-)


Here is a link to just one supplier of the part. It is not a recommendation to use them, it is merely shown to give an idea of the cost of the part.

There are others that may suit you better. Just search online using the part number only.

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Bewertung 7

5 Kommentare:

hi ,

hello, myself is mangesh varde. since, 4 months my lenova yoga tab 3 was not charging properly.

can you please help me out in this matter as my most important documents are stuck and i am unable to do any work.

please guide me some solution.

mangesh varde.,


Here's what I did My lenovo yoga tab 3, even though it would not charge above 0% I did manage to switch it on then with the charger still plugged in I just turned screen off during start up, by pressing the power button once, so that the screen goes black but the device is still on, then left it for 10 minutes, and pressed the power button just to see if it was charging, and it was!, so pressed power button again so that it can fully charge, mines all fixed now, hope this helps!


@wayne careslade Thanks man! That worked for me, too! PHEW


I tried Wayne's above solution and it worked. When you put the charger and see the 0% on the screen immediately push on the start button and after around 10 min. check again for me I found 8% charging for the first time in 3 days


Many thanks I was panicking thanks worked a treat


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It seems Battery charging is a common issue for all the tabs, I had faced similar issue for my Yoga tab 3 also.

Had tried online solutions and Service engineer visit also unable to resolve the issue, until I find the resolution myself as below.

Actual issue is here:

Go to Battery options on your Device settings.

You can see the Battery charging mode, shows as ‘USB’ charging.

The device can able charge through AC power adapter only, hence unable to charging on USB charging selected.


Remove the USB connector from the Tab device and AC adapter from wall power outlet (Must need to remove both the ends).

Reconnect the USB cable and AC adapter to wall unit. Now check the charging mode, it shows charging with AC. Now the device can charge as normal condition.

Note: If Battery charging shows USB charge, you have to do this step again by disconnect the ports and reconnect until you see the AC charging mode for Battery.

Hope your issue got resolved, try same method all Tab models and smart phones having battery charging issue.

- Bangarubabu

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Bewertung 4

2 Kommentare:

This doens't help if it's DEAD and unable to charge.


Great Bagarubabu! That was 101% effective. Thank you! W.


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Here's what I did My lenovo yoga tab 3, even though it would not charge above 0% I did manage to switch it on then with the charger still plugged in I just turned screen off by pressing the power button once, so that the screen goes black but the device is still on, then left it for 10 minutes, and pressed the power button just to see if it was charging, and it was!, so pressed power button again so that it can fully charge, mines all fixed now, hope this helps!

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Bewertung 3

4 Kommentare:

Ok proses of elimination tells me that my battery even though showing 0 % is infact fully charging so what mechanism is reading battery level%


Separate from the main Leeds because they are fine my battery is getting charged so how's about it. ?


Sorry folks I also have the same product and problem yoga 3 need help?


Worked thank you I was panicking you are a star ??


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Hey David,

This very well could be because there is internal damage. Either with the battery or the charging port, but more likely it's the charging port. I would recommend replacing the port, and you should be able to charge your device again.

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Bewertung 2

6 Kommentare:

Hi i have the same problem.Any idea where to get it repaired?


where are you located derek


Hi, we changed the charging port two times now .The recent one was 3weeks back . now its not charging again.


doesn't help. I replaced the charging port twice


What number will I call


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I had the same problem on my yoga tablet i did some cleaning to the port using toothbrush and it did work again but now it's taking alot of time to recharge but something better than nothing

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It seems Battery charging is a common issue for all the tabs, I had faced similar issue for my Yoga tab 3 also.

Had tried online solutions and Service engineer visit also unable to resolve the issue, until I find the resolution myself as below.

Actual issue is here:

Go to Battery options on your Device settings.

You can see the Battery charging mode, shows as ‘USB’ charging.

The device can able charge through AC power adapter only, hence unable to charging on USB charging selected.


Remove the USB connector from the Tab device and AC adapter from wall power outlet (Must need to remove both the ends).

Reconnect the USB cable and AC adapter to wall unit. Now check the charging mode, it shows charging with AC. Now the device can charge as normal condition.

Note: If Battery charging shows USB charge, you have to do this step again by disconnect the ports and reconnect until you see the AC charging mode for Battery.

Hope your issue got resolved, try same method all Tab models and smart phones having battery charging issue.

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I get the screen with 0% charging, can turn it on but cannot access any other screen in the tab. Just the main screen. Then, it turns off but apparently keeps charging, although it does not change from 0%.


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Turn off “Developer Options" if you have turned them on. Mine started charging right away after disabling this.

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Charger issue maybe!

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