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Eine TV Spielkonsole von Sony Entertainment, auch bekannt als PS4. Sie wurde am 20. Februar 2013 angekündigt und kam am 15. November 2013 auf den Markt.

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Ps4 only turns on with pressure

One day my ps4 made a high pitch noise and switched off while I was in the middle of a game and it use to do this all the time after like an hour, 2 weeks ago it wouldn't come on not even in to safe mode it sometimes worked when I put pressure on the top of the ps4 or when I kept unplugging and plugging back it but then that stopped working and I couldn't get my ps4 on it would just flash the blue light until recently I was told on a page that turn the ps4 upside down and put pressure with your hands where the power supplyand I did so and it worked!! The white light came back but once I released my hand it would go back off in to a black screen then say no signal but the ps4 would still be on I've tried different hdmi cables also I've tried different tv's. I'm just wondering what the problem is and how I can fix it?

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This problem is super common...so common that I made a video about it. I'll link it below. Basically what is happening is the solder joints under the APU are going bad and creating a bad connection. The pressure you put on it restores the connection. The video will show you how to fix that problem. It works for lots of consoles but not all of them. Here is the link:


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Yeah but when I put pressure on the power supply the white light comes and my ps4 turns on without me pressure but it stays on the blue light until I turn it off is the still an apu problem or is it a power supply problem


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No mate your putting pressure on the case which is then putting pressure on the board

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this is correct butttt i don't see any videos with the inside of my ps4 i see different insides and its CUH 1215A


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Update (05/07/2020)

Block Image

if you can see this is what i have can you make a video for this instead of the ps4 on the link @tronicsfix

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i haven't touched this one in like 3 years i just wanted to fix it tho... but it turned on ONCE while i was squeezing it and it even went white light then it turned off after letting go


@Jovi Sosa

On that video, my ps4 does the exact same thing. I have to put pressure on the system and it would turn on but when I let go it turns off right away.

My dad also tried to tie the ps4 down while something was pressing against the system. It kinda worked but it would still shut off after a while.


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