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The Logitech Performance MX Mouse is a premiere mouse from Logitech with darkfield tracking technology and a free-spinning scroll wheel. Released in 2009. Model number: 910-001105.

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Mouse wheel rubber replacement

The rubber on the scroll wheel is somewhat loosen up on my Logitech Performance MX. This renders the wheel to operate without the frictionless scrolling. How to tighten or replace this rubber

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Exceedingly common problem that happens very quickly with this mouse. The rubber loosens, and the slack gets caught in the gearing.

Just cutting it off seems to be the only solution, though with some trial and error you might find a rubber o-ring that fits it.

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Just cut it off, why didn't I think of that? Took it apart and everything, couldn't think to just cut it off. Works perfect now. Thanks bro!


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I will apply this idea to fix my Logitech VX Nano.


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Watch this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hxhF5F5F...

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