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The JXD S7800B is a tablet/game console that runs on an Android operating system and has built-in controls.

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Replacement touchscreen for jxd s7800b

Hi i need a new touch screen for my jxd s7800b

The official jxd website won't get back to me ( I'm not surprised as I've heard their after sales support is shocking )

Anyway does any one know where i can get one or even what the part number is

I've no problem doing the work myself​

Thank u in advance

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i have a display for replacement for you but i need the capacitive touch screen, what do you need my friend? i have the part numbers, how can i help you?

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Hello! I have got the same problem. Please, put the part numbers here. I trying to search more than 2 years and can't find the touch screen for replacement.


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