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Das iPhone 6 mit dem 4,7 Zoll Display ist die kleinere Version des iPhone 6 Plus und kam am 19. September 2014 auf dem Markt. Es hat die Modelnnummern A1549, A1586 und A1589.

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Black screen after battery replacement

Hello all,

I replaced the battery of my iPhone 6. So far so good, the iPhone 6 was working for like 5/6 min. After that time, the screen went black. I tested the screen on another iPhone 6 and it works just fine. Again I bought a new battery and tested it, it didn't work.

When I plug the iPhone in my computer, iTunes pops up. It says that iTunes cannot enter the iPhone cause of the security code.

Do you perhaps know how I can solve this issue?

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Did you make sure to disconnect and drain the board when removing the original battery?

To me this sounds like a backlight chip on the board has blown. Common when not draining the board.

Get a flashlight and shine it on the screen when you believe its on. If there is an image, then my assumptions are correct. You will need to find someone who can do micro-soldering work

hope this helps

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The original battery was already drained. It was so messed up that it didn't want to charge.

I think that some chip is blown but not sure which one. Perhaps the backlight chip is broken, not sure. I tried to shine bright flashlight on the screen and I could not see anything. The screen was still black.

I do not have the equipment to test it. It find someone who can do the micro-soldering work. Thx tho.


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Hello, Try to do soft reset or (reboot) Power Button+ Home Button for 10s and see.

You won't lose any data.

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No no, I want to keep my data. I do not have some photos on my iCloud.


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