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CDMA Version des iPhones der vierten Generation. Die Reparatur ist unkompliziert, aber Frontglas und LCD müssen gemeinsam ersetzt werden. Modell A1349 mit 16 oder 32 GB, CDMA Kompabilität.

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No Display and Repeating Charge Chime

Hello, I have 2 iPhone 4's on Verizon. I wanted to swap the screens on them since one is in locked and the other one is shattered. After a very long process of lost screws and frustration I finally have the good screen on the good phone. The only thing it does now is show up in iTunes and keep making the charge chime. I have put the other board in the housing and it does the same thing. I have even tried the cracked screen on both boards and the same thing happens. I would really appreciate it if you could help me out.

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Sounds like either board damage or both the screens got damaged from improper installation.


I have the same case, except my screen is shattered. The screen worked like that though, and my phone is a little rough, any fixes anyone?

edit: havent replaced the screen yet, its just like this


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Very unfortunately, Dylan, your 'good screen' is probably bad. Exactly what you observe (no display and repeating chime) indicates a broken or missing screen. You have my sympathy: replacing iPhone 4 front/screen assembly is onerous. Too I broke an otherwise operational screen, by bending its cable.

See Wiki page: iPhone endlessly repeats the "power supply accepted" sound or vibration.

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