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The Mac Pro First Generation is an Intel Xeon-based workstation computer manufactured by Apple Inc. The first generation model includes the machines from 2006 through 2008.

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Mac Pro 3.1 wont boot.


Im trying too fix a mac pro 2008 3,1 3.0 8core. When its starts up it gives a kernel panic.

My first thoughts where that it had a bad hdd. I plugged it in another mac as a slave disk en got all sort of damage reports when using disk utility.

Internet recovery mode

Also when i tried internet recovery it wil not instal en fresh osx.

I got out the old hdd and plugged a new (old) one in. Which was completely erased and format journaled extended.


So ive tried to boot it with a dvd system disk os x lion (command +c) but its eventually gets a hickup and unfortunately shows a round sign with a stipe. Swap out the dvd drive with another one. same thing. new disk, same thing.


next thing i've tried was to make it boot with a instal usb el captain. But when i startup with alt/option pressed it doesn't recognize the usb. and that sucks big time.

Ive cleaned the whole system which was pretty dusty and dirty.

I'm not a mac specialist and little bit out of options. I just cant get this sucker to run which i really want!!

Help/advise please!

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Try Stellar Phoenix Mac Data Recovery Bootable CD to boot your Mac and salvage the data. Once done, you can replace the HDD and restore data from Time Machine and Stellar.

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I have not heard of this recovery software outside of your posts. Is this the company you work with? @oldturkey03


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