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Die Xbox Spielkonsole der dritten Generation von Microsoft kam am 22. November 2013 auf den Markt;

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My xbox is trippin

Every time I turn my Xbox on the controller never connects and the screen is always blank all the controller does is blink and then it will turn off by itself. Please help I miss playing cod.

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Firsts things first! Try unplug power supply from outlet. Let power supply discharged and the orange led is off. Connect Xbox one to the power supply and then plug your controller with cable and if it has battery remove them. Try turn it on and check power supply led and give feedback if problem persists. Good luck and relax. Probably it is something you can fix!

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Very important I forget. HDMI cable!!!! Find another one to check!!


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Also, make sure you check the HDMI port, there are 2 on the Xbox One. One for HDMI in (cable/satellite receiver pass though) and HDMI out, that one goes to the TV.

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Try to re-sync your gamepad after you powered on the console.

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Sell it and get an Xbox one s they are far better than the original and you can get them pretty cheap with games , not only will you get an amazing gaming machine that has been slightly overclocked over the original you also get a uhd 4K Blu-ray player ... the cheapest stand alone 4K Blu-ray player will cost you two hundred dollars by itself .... just sayin

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sometimes when the xbox is completely off, the controllers won't wake it. turn the xbox on by waving your hand over the sensor on front, and then connect your controller.

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