My Tv has a big crack in it
My Tv has a big crack in it and was wondering if and how I could replace the tv screen?
Ist dies eine gute Frage?
My Tv has a big crack in it and was wondering if and how I could replace the tv screen?
Ist dies eine gute Frage?
Really easy, its only 4 screen on rear cab and 2 screews on PSU.
Just be carefull then opening rear cabinet.
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Were can you buy them from
@jordan_bolt yes you could replace the screen, if it were available. LCD screens that size are not easily found and will cost you more than a new TV. You will have to take the back of your TV and find the manufacturers label on the panel. Then use that number to do a search. Only other option would be to find the same model TV as yours but has other parts broken. Then harvest the LCD from that TV.
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@jordan_bolt I have a question. is TV screen broken or it's panel?
my TV panel broken too but it broke on its own.
von Abolfazl Jafari