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Repair guides and support for the laptop/tablet hybrid in the Toshiba Satellite Radius series released in 2014.

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My computer says No bootable device, please restart.

HOWEVER I cannot restart it. It won't. Whatever I click on it just keeps saying the same thing....No bootable device, please restart.

What can I do to fix this? My computer is almost 2 yrs old. I bought it in 2016

No water damage or anything. I've barely used it. PLEASE HELP!!!

Thanks in advance.

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Gewählte Lösung

@queendivaava it appears as if your computer cannot see the hard drive and/or the OS. You would have to try to enter the BIOS and set your boot device to either USB or optical disk and get a bootable USB/CD to boot from there. For case like this I use a Live CD or Puppy Linux since it is straight forward to use. Set your Bios to boot device or your choice, insert the bootable media and start your computer. Then try to access your drive. If your temporary boot disk lets you see it and access it a reformatting (after you remove your files) may resolve the issue. If your temporary OS cannot access your drive your drive most likely will have failed. You would have to replace it and the OS.

Use this guide Toshiba Satellite P55W Hard Drive Replacement if you need to change the HDD

Always check with Toshiba and see if it or the drive is still covered under warranty.

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