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Erste iPad Generation mit 3G, verfügbar mit 16, 32 oder 64 GB Speicherkapazität. Modell Nummer A1337. Reparaturen sind unkompliziert und verlangen keine Wärmezufuhr.

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Screen flickers when plugged into AC power, no boot.

Whenever I plug in the AC Adapter into my customers iPad, the screen flickers once every 3 seconds or so. I've tried doing a hard reset with it and nothing. I've opened her up and see no noticeable damage whatsoever. I've tried another adapter known good and the same problem happens. Any troubleshooting i'm missing? I still have the ipad open currently. I wonder if reseating the dock port will fix something.. Any help would be mucho appreciated!

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Did you ever spill water on it


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Thank you for your help. Unfortunately i've ruled this as something I unfortunately won't be able to cost effectively fix for the customer

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I have the same problem I have tryed and got the iPad to power up by using a higher amp like 5v 2.4amp cube or same power out put with usb connection,that’s when for me it went to the blue apple iTunes logo and can reset with no luck comes back to iTunes logo.it will turn right off if unplugged. Computer port will Flicker because only 500ma for power coming through USB connecting on standard so not enough amps to power it up.thing of using and independent powered data hub next. If I can keep power 2amps on 5 volts going in the iPad it would work to reset os.i think its the battery. When set into recovery mode computer will recognize but when trying to re-install OS it shut power to USB which canceled Install because power to iPad stops and iPad shuts off.now no power and a1600 error comes up it’s a usb problem wich means when the computer tried to disconnect then reconnect it lost power to Apple iPad.

iTunes will connect and reconnect multiple times before install that’s where I’m at now I think it’s the battery.these battery’s are only really good for like 3 to 5 Year’s decreasing from like two years on.if iPad has been put away for long periods Of time the battery will decrease little by little because of microchip safety with battery.


Same problem..but inuped the power supply. To a apple power supply now no blink its stuck on the apple. What next.


Did you happen to find out whats the problem?


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Try replacing the LCD,

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I would however it seems to be the dock connector possibly. I don't have an option to turn it off and on. It automatically turns on once AC power is plugged into it. Holding the power button down does nothing with the ipad. However, if I hold the power button AND home button, the flickers stop until i release one or both of the buttons.


yes! that's what mine is doing.....


Same here, mine too!


@timspc i have that exact problem,buying a new casing as mine is in bad condition and dock connector


I think I have the same issue. I captured an image in a dark room showing how the backlight flashes every few seconds when the iPad is off but plugged into a power adapter.



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Tim, my bad take a look at the power volume flex at the sleep wake sensor it could be damaged.

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Thank you for your help. Unfortunately i've ruled this as something I unfortunately won't be able to cost effectively fix for the customer


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needs new battery

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