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Repair guides and support for the first generation Nissan Murano, from the 2003 model year to 2007.

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Grounding Points on 2005

I have a 2005 Nissan Murano and I am having a few issues with sensors and my engine running really rich. I was advised by a mechanic friend that the issue could be caused by a bad ground. I am trying to find all the grounding points on my SL Murano. I have only been able to find 2. 1 below the battery and 1 off the timing chain housing.

Any suggestions? or could i just run new grounds from the battery?



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Sande Jarrett it would probably be easier to run a new ground than trying to find a bad one. Make sure you remove all paint and primer before applying a new ground and use some self tapping screws to attach it.

Now if you really, really want to know where all the ground points are, here is the manual for that :-) Nissan-Murano-Ground-Distribution.pdf

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Thanks!!! this is really helpful.


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