main fail safe relay location?
1999 Honda CRV where is the main fail safe relay location
Ist dies eine gute Frage?
1999 Honda CRV where is the main fail safe relay location
Ist dies eine gute Frage?
charles medicinebull not quite sure what relay you are looking for. The only fail safe relay I know of is the one for your ABS and it is part of the pump/modulator including the pump relay. So, you need to be a bit more specific if those are not the ones you are looking for. It sounds like you may have gotten an OBD code and are inquiring. Let us know what exactly you are looking for.
War diese Antwort hilfreich?
main fail safe thought maybe it was located under the dash board
charles medicinebull some main relay or main fuse? What is the issue with your Honda?
start the engine and it just turns no spark
when i turn the key it just constant turning no spark
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i charged the battery and it started up i took the positive cable to reset the on board computer and now the code reader has nothing on it
von charles medicinebull