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2.3L 4cyl or 3.0L V6, 6th Generation

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My car jerks as I begin to accelerate

Hi I have a 2000 Honda Accord about 100000 miles put a transmission from Japan on her she drives fine but when it's at a stop and I begin to accelerate it jerks like it's getting back into d4 any help or advice is greatly appreciated thanks in advance p.s is there a possibility the person who swamped my transmission didn't connect it properly

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Jose Velazquez this will be difficult since we do not know how the transmission was connected, what got missed (if anything)or how it actually drives. I would suggest that you get a free OBD scan first and see if it throws any codes. Otherwise the best thing would be to have a transmission shop look at it and help you with the trouble shooting.

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I was told that the transmission shift solenoid on the new transmission might be giving out could this cause my car to jerk when I begin to accelerate thanks again


Jose Velazquez that is definitely a possibility


Thank you for your advice driving it like this for about a month is it harmful to my transmission


It shouldn't be but you do want to get it looked at before anything else fails.


Would you recommend me to add Lucas stop transmission slip or can it harmful my transmission


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