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Veröffentlicht Januar 2015, Der XPS 13 Laptop ist ein Konkurrent des MacBook Air, mit einem randlosen "infinity" Bildschirm mit Touchscreen Option.

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9360 battery in 9350 model

Does anyone know if the 60kwh battery from the 9360 xps 13 will fit in the chassis of the 9350 xps 13? I know that the original 9350 battery was only 56kwh but since I need to change the battery I figured I would use the larger battery if it fit.

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Yes it will work same battery size for the chassis

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Would you also know of any possibilities to upgrade battery in XPS 9343 model?


Hello there, I purchased the Battery of the Model 9360 for my 9350 model. It fits fine, it really has the same size, but the bios cannot identify the battery. The Notebook runs fine but I guess the communication ports are positioned diefferently. Anyone has a solution to it? I am not sure if just the connection cable hase a difrent configuration


Hello, I did the same as you Claudius and same problem! Did you find a solution?


It's not a problem of communication port, it's just because the laptop detect it's not the original battery and refuse to charge it. First it worked for me until the battery was empty and then the laptop refused to charge it


Is there a hack to getting this to work yet?


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you need the exact oem model battery for the xps laptops or it wont charge. the front led indicator will flash amber and white if its not the right battery

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