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A point and shoot camera manufactured in 2014 by Sony.

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Setting zone/date/hour is permanently asked

I do have a problem with my DSC-WX350

Setting zone, date and hour is permanently asked, never mind if I set correctly each time and this screen is displayed even when camera is off

Seems that setting is not registered or kept in memory

Any idea ?


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1 Antwort

Gewählte Lösung

Hi @didiere ,

According to the user guide, the camera has an internal rechargeable battery that maintains the date and time settings (plus other user defined settings) when the camera is switched off and regardless of whether the main battery is charged or not.

Here is a link to the ifixit [Sony Cyber-shot DSC-WX350 guides for your camera. Unfortunately they do not show where the battery is located. Perhaps @oldturkey03 may be able to supply the camera's service manual which will help you to locate and replace the battery

Update (10/17/2017)

Hi @didiere ,

To give you some idea here is an answer for the same problem with a Sony CyberShot DSC-WX230 showing where the battery is located and what type it is.

Camera will not retain date/time

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Hi @jayeff

Thanks for your answer

I think you are right with the internal battery

The problem is how can I easily access to it for changing to a new one.

Seems to be not easily accessible for a neophyte


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