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Device and repair guides for the RCA 10 Viking Pro, an Android tablet with detachable keyboard that can be identified by model number RCT6303W87 DK.

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Screen stuck on saying viking pro!

I haven't used My tablet in awhile so I changed it up and turned it on it went like it was going to come on but then it started flashing viking pro over and over so i let sit for 15 minutes! and it still kept saying it!

Anyone know what I can do to fix it?

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I've the RCA Galileo Pro 11.5 Model: RCT6513W87DK C and I'm experiencing the same problem after 11months. I've tried a few "solutions" but I'm still having problems getting it to stay on...once the power button is pressed the entire thing goes blank and trouble to start up again.


Unfortunately RCA of today is not the highly respected company that it used to be back in the 50s,60s. Then, an RCA TV, radio or stereo system was like having a Cadillac, today they are just another Fiat. Quality suffered drastically when they moved their production from the U.S to


Asia is where they moved production to.


I tried both of these options above and neither worked. Help please


I am having a problem getting my rca viking pro 10 to get off of the logo and when I do it goes to the viking pro 10 screen and keeps flashing. How do I get it to factory setting so I can reset it. Haven't used it in 2 yrs.


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Gewählte Lösung

Hi @punkheart1231 ,

Using an opened paperclip, try to reset the tablet by pressing and holding the reset button for about 5-10 seconds. Then see if it starts normally

Block Image

(Click to enlarge for better viewing)

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I tried that it didn't work now it doesn't come on at all. It's ready for the grave.


What you need to do is hold down the power button and the volume up button at the same time until it goes off then let go you will see a boot menu go to the bottom and delete all files format all user files then go back up where it says reboot the first one at the top of the list choose this option to go up and down the list use the volume button and the power button to select the option you want once you do this shut it off and it will reboot back on he'll be liking you you're welcome


Yeah I tried that too and nothing happened it all started because I forgot the password and at the time I didn't know how to fix it so I stopped using it well then I tried to get it to work again and I put it on the charger and it act like it turned on and showed the dogs then started flashing vicking pro and did that until it died


La renicie de fabrica y lo que sale es vikingo promo


Same here stuck at viking pro. Apparently RCA also only allows connecting to pc via usb if unpowered.!!


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Had same problem. I let it run til battery ran down and it turned off. When I charged it and turned it on, it worked again.

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I will try this,I will also post if it worked out for me, thank you


i have reset it twice and its fully charged i have reset it twice i did the hold the power button and the up volume button til it shut off then this list of options came up i even did wipe data and factory reset button and nothing seems to work


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I was able to clear the issue by holding the volume up button and the power button until a menu came up. Use the volume button to select the power off. Use the power button to excute the command. When I turned back on it was working. If this does not work, the process can be repeated only select factory reset.

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holding power button and volume up does nothing for me infact it just turns the screen black instead of it saying viking pro 10


My laptop still don't work I tried everything but I let it stay on until battery runs down I'll try it later


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