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Erschienen im März 2017, ist das G6 LGs Flaggschiff-Smartphone mit Android 7.0. Dieses Gerät ist bei den meisten Händlern erhältlich. Eine Reparatur dieses Geräts kann die Wasserdichtigkeit beschädigen und das Gerät anfällig für Wasserschäden machen.

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How to fixing water damage due to broken back cover?

I jumped in the shower today got my phone wet, i thought this would be ok since it has water resistance. I cracked my phone not too long a go and realized too late that maybe the water could get through the glass. sure enough my phone now cant charge and will turn on and off . Would changing the charging port and possibly the battery save my phone ? and if so where would i go about buying these new parts?

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As far as a source for parts, if IFIXIT doesn't have them then a simple Google search should get you some info. Just make sure the source offers guarantees on their products. If you disassemble your device, be sure to look for signs of corrosion around any connections/chips/ etc. If you find any, I would recommend cleaning the logic board (or having a repair business do it) in an ultrasonic cleaner with electrical component cleaner ( like Branson EC) . This will ensure that there isn't corrosion or oxidation anywhere that will cause further problems after you install a new battery. Good luck!

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Here is the LG V6 Owners Manual - hope it helps :)

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