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Need Allure Apple Blonde by Traffic Master-Home Depot

Help! Does anybody have this? I need 11 cases to finish the flooring on our house. We did the master bedroom about two years ago and it's been discontinued. We haven't been able to find anything comparable . If you have it or know what comes close to it, please, please let me know.

This is my first time on iFixit so I don't think I have the right "device" but I couldn't find "flooring". Can someone explain to me how this works?

Thanks, Pat

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If you are trying to find a laminate flooring product that Home Depot has discontinued I think Google is your best resource.

A quick google for trafficmaster allure etc etc yielded a hit that shows it in stock here...


Don't have any idea what the shipping etc would be you will have to find out those particulars yourself.

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I'd like to know if this company is a scam or not. They have a floor I want but I have a sketchy feeling.


I agree, after closer inspection of the web site no USPS address or phone numbers etc. I think further investigation is definitely a good idea.


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I am looking for Allure Apple Blonde by Traffic Master from Home Depot. They stopped carrying this product and I need enough to put over my kitchen floor. I have been searching the internet for weeks with no success. If anyone can help me I will be forever grateful!

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