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Guides for the Wi-Fi version of the iPad Mini 4—model A1538. Announced on September 9, 2015, the iPad Mini 4 is the successor to the iPad Mini 3.

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Question about home button replacement

So, I have this iPad mini 4 which the Touch ID works, but the home button doesn’t. Is there a way to just replace the home button clicking part?

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Have you recently replaced the screen or have had it opened before the problem?

Yes, you can replace the home button to get it working again or you can open it to make sure it is making proper contact with the pads that make the physical connection. Here is a post that describes the issue a bit better:

iPad Mini Home Button Not Working After Digitizer Replacement

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Yes, I have done a screen replacement before. Well during that time, a rubber thing was thorn apart and I just left it in my drawer. How would I go about just replacing the home button part instead of the whole Touch ID + home button? Would the Touch ID still work?


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