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The Bose SoundLink III, released February 2014, is the 3rd generation of Bose's SoundLink Mobile speakers. It is a modern, minimalist Bluetooth-capable portable speaker.

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None of my devices will pair with the speaker

After trying to pair the speaker with my Windows 10 pc, and failing [pc problem],... the speaker will no long pair with my iPad, or iPhone. The Bluetooth blue light will flash for the allotted time, then quit. I’ve reset the speaker by holding the mute button down as the manual says to do..... still just get a flashing blue light, and my devices will not pair. Any good ideas about how to fix this problem?

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My experience w/the iii. Sometimes you have to go thru the mute button dance several times to erase the memory--also take the two divices you want to pair away from any device w/bluetoooh that could interfere

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