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The Palm Pilot Professional is a PDA introduced as an updated version to the Palm 5000.

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back up data palm pilot

hello i have a palm pilot that i need to please back up with data

i had my old one stolen but i have a new one i can use but i need my data to be put on it. i have an email with back up info.

can you help??

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Sophie Gurney I am a bit confused by this. You are trying to restore your data from the email which includes the backup info? Is this an attachment to your email? What format is the attachment?


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Palm OS devices come with disks that contain Palm Desktop. To backup and restore your data, you perform a HotSync operation to your computer. Once you plug in your Palm Pilot, Palm Desktop will recognize it and should ask that you "Create a new account or Use an existing one?" Choose existing, and pick your original Hotsync account name.

The main hurdle for you will be to get the backup from your email to your desktop. Since we do not know how you backed it up more information will be needed. Read more about restoring it on here.

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how recover data after upgrading to Windows 10 (Palm software won't run.)


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