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The ZTE Axon 7 Android smartphone was released by ZTE in July 2016. Models: A2017G, A2017U, A2017.

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Can't use keyboard on my phone

The last few days, whenever I need to use the keyboard to text, I get a pop-up that says Keyboard crash fixed with a yes at the bottom. I thought maybe it was an update so I pressed yes. Then it says that my phone won't allow for unauthorized apps and it sends me to settings. I have tried turning off my phone. I was able to send one text and then it would popup again. I don't know if I should turn the authorization on or not. Has anyone else experienced this? I was not having any trouble with the keyboard before this.

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Hello Janelle,

I had the same Problem. Today I found out what helps. The Problem seems to be the Keyboard app. Go to Settings and Change the Keyboard from to TouchPal Keyboard to Android keyboard. It Looks different, but it works the same way and you dont have that annoying message any more.

I hope I could help.


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from TouchPal Keyboard to Android keyboard


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I'm having the same problem. I am beyond frustrated. My mom bought me a flip phone by ZTE . Phone worked great. But the second day when I try to text my friend the texting doesn't work on the keypad. Numbers work but not letters and I have no idea why. This is a brand new phone too so if wth is wrong with it. My mom paid for unlimited text and I can't even text on it?!! Don't get this phone! each time I try to figure it out online all I get is Smart phone advice not for the flip . I'm beyond !#^&@@ off that this doesn't work and I can't figure it out

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Did you try reading the user manual? On flip phones the input method was different but %#*@ I could text all day with my right thumb only but this smartphone crap sucks ass. You realize that each key has 3 or more characters it can output, try using multiple presses on the keys, that will give you the letters that follow. When you get used to it, typing the right letters fast isn't so hard but you'll find you pass the letter you were trying for a lot, you just keep going round until you get the right ones. %#*@ I had to yhinl about that. Now you need to hope others will know whar you mean when you make up your own abbreviations for words since the problem with flips is they can only hold so many characters before you run out of space.


I knew after I commented above that I was probably not reading a recent post, but that's ok since nobody answered the question anyway, now I have contibuted some lost knowledge ftom the recent past that made me have to use that thing inside my skull that nobody seems to use anymore.

I bet the flip phone user watched for a reply fot a while, then felt like a dumb ass when he either figured it out or someone showed him. It's so simple you just can't overthink it or use the understanding of any modern phone with it.


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