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Canon's 20.0 megapixel point and shoot camera (part of the Powershot series) with auto-focus for general picture and video captures. Model: ELPH 150 IS

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How can you fix a plasma screen break? Please help!

my camera broke when it feel and my plasma screen is cracked please help me!!

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Check first that you can still take pictures OK in case there is more damage to the camera than just the LCD screen.

Take a picture, (I realize that you mightn't be able to 'see' what you're taking in the LCD screen) and then download it to a computer and check that the picture is OK.

If it is then hopefully the screen is the only problem

Here is a link to the ifixit Canon PowerShot ELPH 150 IS LCD Screen Replacement guide.

Here is a link to a supplier of the replacement part. It is not a recommendation to use them. It is shown to give an idea of the cost of the part. There are other suppliers that may suit you better. Just search for ELPH 150 IS LCD part

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