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The HP Envy dv7t-7200 is a notebook complete with a touch pad as part of the Envy dv7 series, released on the market in 2012.

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Can I fix the plastic at the display hinge?

I recently took apart this laptop to replace the fan. In the process I did not take enough care with the hinges for the display. The plastic broke where it was screwed in. It's still fully disassembled and I want to try to repair it. I was thinking it would possibly work if I just found a plastic adhesive. Though that may be only a temporary fix and again break after some use.

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I have done several hinge repairs. Buy small bolts, washers, and nuts. Drill through the bottom of the laptop and run the bolt up into the hole and mark on the bolt where it needs to be cut for top lid to go back on. Then cut the bolt to fit, File the screw end of the bolt a bit so it will fit back into the nut. Then put in bolt and washer on each side and install the nut and tighten it down. It may not look the prettiest but it will hold the hinge in place. Just for good measure it is also a good idea to loosen the hinges a bit by slightly unscrewing the hinge nuts just a little bit, This will take a little pressure off of the hinges. If you want to be thorough then also put a dab of gorilla glue on the bolt you installed. Just don't put too much because gorilla glue expands as it dries.

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Will try this when I get home, thank you!


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