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A bluetooth mouse released by Logitech in 2006 that is known for its free-spinning scroll wheel.

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Middle Button Micro Switch Part Number

I'm looking for the part number for an exact or upgraded replacement to the micro switch for the middle button. Does anyone know the part number for it?

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Hi good day to you,

im also attempting to fully restore an MX Revolution, i have 3 - thats how much i love these mice lol

One is bluetooth and 2 are RF Radio Tranceiver types.

The one im repairing now and doing a teardown with, which ill post on my blog at some point, is the RF one so not the bluetooth, but BOTH are almost EXACTLY the same inside except the bluetooth transmitting capability and also some battery mount/connector types are slightly different.

Here are some METAL push buttons for the replacement you seek, plastic ones are below too, no model numbers, but these are simply referred to as “Tactile Switch Buttons, 4-pin“ those are the magic keywords you search for and you’ll see many of this type;





i know this is an old post but hope this stays online for others to find too for replacing parts of such a decent mouse !

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