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Released in February 2012. Model number: DSC-H55.

6 Fragen Alle anzeigen

Why is my computer not reading videos from my camera?

I use Windows 2008 and my computer doesn't read videos from my camera. It sees photos no problem, but videos are invisible. It shows only that the memory card is full, but there are no files, yet you can still watch the preview of the videos on the camera itself. It works only with my mom's laptop and only when I pull out the memory card and plug it directly to the laptop, because it doesn't read the videos through the cable.

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Hi @dragonixa ,

What is the OS in the computer? Do you mean Win 8 or Win 8.1?

What program are you trying to view the videos in?

If you are using Windows media Player 12 mpeg-4 will not work. This format is what the videos from your camera use.

Download, install and then try using a 3rd party media player and see if this resolves the problem

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It's Win 8. I simply use USB cable to try and import photos and videos by opening the Memory Card folder, but my computer only sees photos in that folder, like there are no videos recorded, while they clearly are...


Hi @dragonixa

Check to see if the videos are in a "hidden" folder on the camera "drive"

Did you format the card in the camera or in a computer?


I turned hidden folders visible and still nothing... About the format - I have no idea. But as I written in the description of my question, when I plug the memory card directly, not through the cable, it suddenly works. Maybe there's something wrong with the cable then? Don't know


Hi @dragonixa ,

Try another cable then or try another USB port in your computer (if you have one).

What OS is in your mother's laptop, as you said that it works when using a cable (presumably the same one) with her laptop?


No, it doesn't work with the cable on her laptop either. Only when I plug the memory card directly to the laptop


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