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Zweite iPhone Generation. Modell A1241 mit 8 oder 16 GB Kapazität und schwarzer oder weißer Kunststoff-Rückseite. Die Reparatur ist leichter zu bewerkstelligen als beim iPhone 1. Es werden Schraubendreher, Hebelwerkzeuge und Saugnäpfe benötigt.

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Weird itunes error 21, cannot restore.

i opened my iphone(4.0.2 jailbroken) and tried to clean it... but when i turned it on, my camera wont open so i opened it again and got the error 21... since then ive been trying to restore it and end up with errors 21, 14, 1601. mostly 21.. but one time ive managed to restore it to 4.2.1 and got stuck with the jailbreak(redsnow)..

sometimes i can get pass the restore progess bar but it suddenly reboots after 30-50%.. it gives a white screen then error 21 pops out from itunes..

sometimes the white screen has green vertical lines or blue flashing... i dont know what to do... please help me..

i also encountered error 9 but most of the error is 21...

what i do to restore:

1. plug iphone to usb (which by the way, turns on once i plug it) i cannot switch it on/off since i always end up at the recovery mode every time i turn it on... also, sometimes when i switch it on, i only get a blank black screen... no apple logo.

2. put iphone to dfu mode...

method 1: hold power and home while the iphone is on and wait unitl it shuts off and count from 1 to 7. then itunes reads it and i go with the restore process but when the phone is about to get to the apple logo screen where the wheel and progress bar shows up... its suddenly reboots and i get a white screen plus error 21 instead..

method2: same as the first one, but instead of counting 1 to 7 after the phone turns off. i rehold the home and power again and count 1 to 10 (which is the normal way in dfu mode) i also get the same results as to method 1.

i also sometimes get a kernel panic during this process...

i dont know whats wrong with my iphone... but i think it has to do with the connections or IC or something... im only a newbie.. and my phone is out of warranty. i already brought this to a repair shop and the technician said its a board problem...

please, please... i really need some help here... i tried everything and i really want my iphone back.. please...

thanks for you time in reading my post... i hope someone could help me...

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need some guides here... tried the apple support...

@pollytintop: im guessing my phone has a problem on running the restore, since im able to restore it halfway and it suddenly reboots... but sometimes its just stuck with the white screen of death with some blue/green lines showing error 21..


have you tried recboot/ireb/irecovery type programmes? to boot out of recovery loop?

I'd also try downloading a clean version of 4.0.2 or whatever from http://www.felixbruns.de/iPod/firmware/ and instead of allowing itunes to set it's own restore software.. you'll need to select the new software.. alt+select for a mac (don't know the windows way but it's on the site)


@pollytintop = i tired ireb. i dont know how to use recboot and irecovery. do you have any guide or something? im using windows xp sp3... how to boot out of recovery mode?. i dont know why im stuck with recovery mode. but since i tried to jailbreak it, maybe it corrupted some files. im already 4.2.1, is it still possible for me to restore to 4.0.2? i dont have my shsh saved. my phone is iphone 3g. i was able to restore my iphone using my 4.2.1 fw...


what is your baseband now?


If you dont have your SHSH's saved, you can't downgrade to 4.0.2. Sorry. Polly, why dont you link him with the link I provided to you so he can restore his phone. I dont wanna hijack your answer.


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check specific error code... Seems it is your computer at fault. Try what they say then get back to us. All the best.


have you tried logging off your computer and then creating a new user account, logging in and then opening itunes/iphone?

I think you are getting this error because iTunes is automatically downloading it's version of 4.2.1, you can get any custom Ipsw you like BUT you must then SHIFT +click restore to point iTunes to this software. Once you've done that you can go and find the correct jailbreak... When you updated to 4.2.1 it will have changed your baseband. This is the important factor in jb, not so much the 4.2.1!Go to settings, general, about and scroll down until you find it.... Most likely it is 5.13.2 or something like that (I'm old and forgetful) try these things and get back to us!


i'm not being funny... we really are trying to help... but have you actually done any of the things suggested by the specific error codes on the apple support link in my first answer? the reason I'm asking is that error 9/14/21 can all be caused by your security software disrupting the download. Take a good look at what you are running on your pc! disable the security and try again.

have you also tried using someone elses computer with itunes? there are lots of problems with windows xp so you need to rule this out as one of the causes...update your drivers/os


I know this is a different error but it's a good guide on ireb. ( I know you already tried it.. Sometimes it's worth doing again!) http://www.iphonedownloadblog.com/2010/0...

get a custom fw I'd try 4.1 from felixdebrun or you can get somewhere else... Just avoid using your iTunes fw.


this is it.... if this doesn't help then I'm afraid you need to take it to a shop http://forums.techarena.in/guides-tutori...

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This has the ones for the phone/ipod/and ipad http://www.applei.ph/one/component/optio... hope this helps


Great job as always and no senility, just all your wisdom overflowing to other questions...;-)


I think at this stage you are looking for very specific advice about your jailbreak etc that is not in my comfort zone. I think you should go to ihackintosh or modmyi and join their forums which are far more expert at this. If you were on 4.0.2 and are now on 4.2.1 it changes your baseband and which jb is best. I hope you fix this... let us know how you get on!


most of the problem is mainly on the iphone... it cannot get through spinning wheel and progress bar... and when it does, it reboot in the middle of the restore... and also, what i meant is my baseband now is not the ipad baseband to jb 4.2.1 ive managed to restore to original fw. the issue i had was during thee jb of the phone, it was stuck during the "downloading jailbreak data". so now, im stuck at recovery mode every time i switch if on..


i just tried to restore my iphone.. still iphone 21 with a white screen with a green vertical line/lines but its fades after a minute... is this 100% hardware problem????


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This nifty little trick has stopped all iTunes Error messages dead in their tracks. Give it a try. It worked for me after two days of trying to restore a phone in recovery mode.

Step 1. On your Mac, go to your “Applications” folder. Step 2. Now navigate to the “Utilities” folder. Step 3. Launch "Terminal". Step 4. Type "sudo nano /etc/hosts" (without quotes) and hit return. Step 5. Enter your password

Step 6. Use the down arrow key to find the “gs.apple.com” entries. Once the cursor is in front, make sure you comment out the line(s) by entering “#” in front of the text.

Step 7. Save the file by pressing CONTROL+O.

Step 8. Exit the nano editor by pressing CONTROL+X. I found ctrl X didn't exit for me, so Try "return' key after Control O to save and exit.

Step 9. Restore your iDevice. Windows: Step 1. Start –> Programs –> Accessories Step 2. Run Notepad or WordPad Step 3. Click “Open..” from File menu. Step 4. Browse to Windows/System32/drivers/etc Step 5. In "files of type:" select all documents Step 6. Open "hosts" Step 7. Delete all line that has "gs.apple.com" or something like that Step 8. Hit Save Step 9. Restore your device

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i tried it... but i have a feeling it has to do with the phone itself... its going nuts... sometimes i get stuck on recovery mode ... sometimes during restore i get apple logo or WSOD with error 21... sometime i get pass this and proceed with the spinning wheel and progress bar.. but during this stage it suddenly reboots/restart itself and i get error 9 or 14...

what do to here? please help... i miss my iphone...


Number one rule should be to follow the advice of the guru's :-) Have you performed everything the way it was suggested to you? Or are you adding steps to it and improvising as you try to fix your phone? If so help yourself by letting the experts know EXACTLY where you differed from the suggestions.


;o) Ur a class act Old Turkey. ;o)


At this point I just want to get my hands on the phone and do it myself!


i did follow... still error 21... i wish i could bring this to you and get this fixed... the phone itself is unpredictable.. sometimes i switch it on, it gives me a white screen then the other the recovery screen... maybe this is a hardware issue after all...


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read this http://forums.macrumors.com/showthread.p...

and this http://discussions.apple.com/thread.jspa...


and from another site

"I had the exact same problem today. Here's how I got it fixed.

I downloaded a corrupt 3.0 file and got the error 14 during install which then prompted a restore. The restore wouldn't go through because the 3.0 ipsw was corrupt. I deleted the 3.0 ipsw that I just downloaded, plugged back into iTunes, which prompted the restore, and since 3.0 was gone, it automatically redownloaded it. After that I was able to restore to 3.0 successfully.

Here's where the file is located. Delete it and then redownload and restore.

On Windows:

Documents and Settings\<User>\Application Data\Apple Computer\iTunes\iPhone Software Updates

On Mac:

~/Library/iTunes/iPhone Software Updates"

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Just uncheck all of the boxes in the Advanced tab in TinyUmbrella when doing your restore - no more Error 21!

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I also faced another error, error 3259 while connecting to itunes but i fixed it. thanks for sharing this information. I also got some help from this site: Error 3259http://www.error3259.com/

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. I took my phone to the Apple store yesterday and it actually turned out to be a bad battery connection. The connector was bent, making contact but screwing up the memory. My second battery replacement on my iPhone 4. $89.00 This absolutely and instantly fixed the problem. Please let me know if this helps anyone with this problem. I just created an account so I could answer your question.The Apple guy did tell em he had to put it in UDE mode which doesn't matter a bit if you're not there getting the battery. I don't know what UDE mode is,. but I see it mentioned here a lot.To re-iterate, he said it would have done nothing for me on my own.

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My answer is: there is no fix to error 21 getting white screen. New paper weight.

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