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The 7th generation Honda Accord

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engine malfunction light appeared after changing serpentine belt

malfunction indicator - serpentine belt changed

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First things first, get your hands on a scanner and check your engine codes. It may or may not be related. Was it the correct belt for your engine? Did you change out the tensioner and or idler wheels?


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Who did the work? Mechanic or shop? Then you should call them and ask to check, what code (error code) does system have.

Or go to "auto parts store" and ask them to check (some stores like AutoZone or PepBoys can do it for free).

And then Google the error code to understand, what it means, and what could it cost you to fix it.

Mike | Headset Adapter Co.

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I went back to the shop and they ran a diagnostic check which indicated I had fuel line/fuel injector issues. It had nothing to do with the new belt. Thanks for your help!


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