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Repair Cost of LCD screen

How much to fix the LCD inside screen and glass replacement?

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If you repair it yourself, about $50USD.


If you have a shop repair it, $70-$90USD

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How much would it cost to replace the glass in my Sony experia xa1

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A new screen for Sony Xperia XA1 Ultra about US$44.35.

You can follow this Sony Xperia XA1 Ultra LCD Screen Repair Guide to replace it yourself. They also provided the replacement parts and tools to help you repair.


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How much to refer my sonny Xperia xa1 my screen all ready broke in the frame also dis Aland sir plz help me

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I have my Sony Xperia xa1 with broken screen, since is fallen on the floor isn't working anymore. I need to know how much cost because I can t do by myself .


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