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Repair guides for Sony Cyber-shot WX series cameras.

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How do repair my DSC WX500 lcd screen

Hi, good afternoon so I have a Sony DSC WX500 camera , the problem is when I flip my camera screen there is no dsplay coming out its like a black screen so when I'm taking a selfie I can't see what's in focus. Is there any solutions in my problems? Thanks

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Hi, I’m having problems with my sony dsc-wx500 here and I thought if you could help. The moment I turn on my camera it just shows black screen, not the black that you see whenever the camera is off , it's more like the screen is just projecting a black image. Whenever I click the menu button and anything else I just couldn’t see it on my screen, but I know it’s working because whenever I click the capture button, I hear that camera click noise. I also couldn’t download the photos on my laptop because I know whenever you connect a device in this camera it shows a confirmation button, but since it’s just black screen I couldn’t do anything with it anymore. Oh and btw, I haven’t dropped this camera since I bought it and I always kept it in a dry and safe place, I just don’t know what in the world happened. I hope there’s a solution for this


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If you want to repair it, you will need a set of professional tools.


Hi i also have same problem, the display all black, and when i try take photo and take out the SD card and read it on my computer its work, and got the image, and i also try to fix the lcd and change with new but it still black


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Hi @uniqueeh ,

Have you proved that it is the LCD screen that is the problem?

Can you see the camera's menu screens at all in the display?

If you can see the menu screens, try taking a picture (I realize that you cannot see what you are taking in the display) and download it to a computer and check whether there is a good image and not just a black image.

If there is only a black image then the camera's CMOS sensor might be the problem and not the LCD display.

If you cannot see the camera menus then here is a video that shows how to replace the LCD display in the camera.

Replacement LCD screens are available online. Just search for Sony DSC-WX500 LCD replacement part to get results for suppliers.

Hopefully this is of some help.

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Hi @Princess Kaguya

It appears as though the screen backlight is on but there is no display. This may be because there are two cables connected to the screen. One is to power the backlight and the other is for the image information from the motherboard to the screen.

Can you take a few pictures and then see if they has been stored OK on the SD card in the camera by removing the SD card from the camera and then using a card reader connected to a computer to check for the images.

If the images are OK on the card, then most likely the LCD screen is either faulty or has a loose cable connection. Here’s a video that shows how to replace the screen (and also to check the cable connection is OK - part of the removal procedure) The smaller cable is the backlight power cable and the larger is for the image information

If there are no images on the SD card either then there is a motherboard problem.

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Hi, i have the same problem with my sony dsc-wx500 when i put it to selfie/vlog mode the screen is fully black and when the display is flat (normal) all i see is the black light. I’ve seen your screen repair instructions and will order a new lcd screen (only options i have is through ebay or aliexpress i live in europe) but will it fix my problem with the selfie mode too or what do you recommend? Thank you



If the screen doesn't work correctly in either mode then I would change the screen and check.

There may be two problems as what you say it seems that the screen backlight works in normal mode but not when in selfie mode, but this may be a loose backlight power cable problem as the screen is flipped up for selfie mode.

See my answer above regarding the backlight power cable for the display in the camera.

Hopefully replacing the LCD display will fix it all.


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Hi @riskasavery

What is the model number of the camera?

With the camera turned on, try shining a flashlight at an angle close to the camera's LCD screen and check if you can see any images at all on the screen, either the menu options or any images being displayed through the lens. They will be very faint if there are any, so trying this in a darkened room may help.

If you can see any images and since the LCD as been replaced, it seems as though there's a backlight problem with the screen.

Either the backlight power supply on the motherboard of the camera or perhaps the backlight power cable connection between the motherboard and the LCD display.

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