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Has anyone heard anything like this from their speakers?

So lately I’ve heard my computer speakers have a weird static sound. I happen to know why this is happening, I’m hearing the hard drive activity! For some reason it’s going through my system and coming out as static. Why and how can I stop it?

Every time the hard drive does something it does this.

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@paperboypaddy not sure which version Windows you are running. So I would start off by going to the playback devices and select your speakers. There you want to go to properties and turn the PC Bep level to zero. See if that makes a difference.

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I’m running win10


So how do I find it in win10?


Hi @paperboypaddy ,

Type Control Panel in the search box on the desktop, click on Control Panel desktop app that appears in options box, find Sound.

Also Padraic, it is 'their' (spelling used for a person's or persons' ownership of something) not 'there' (spelling used for location of something). e.g. Their speakers are over there in the corner.

That's how you know the difference in the meaning, when it is written down. Even though they sound the same, when spoken you naturally understand the difference. ;-)


How close do you put your cellphone / cellphone charger to your computer/speakers/speaker cables?


@avanteguarde Whats that got to do with anything? My speakers are 44Khz and my phone is in the 1-2Ghz range. If the speaker was the same GHz as my phone I would understand why my phone wasn’t working properly but that’s not it. Maybe I’m crazy not knowing how it works!

And my speaker cables are fully insulated, so my phone cable isn’t putting power into my speakers.


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