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For 1999, the Quest was redesigned at Nissan Design America in San Diego, California, under Diane Allen, during 1993 and 1995.

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I have no coil spark, wont start

distirbuter got moved while not running, now i have no spark, wont start

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@casebeertim what is the exact year and engine size (3.3L?) for your Quest? did it get moved out or did it just get moved around with the bolt loose?


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@casebeertim as a rule of thumb the first thing you will have to do is find the timing marks on the crank pulley. Rotate the engine to top dead center of #1 cylinder. Pull #1 spark plug out and put a hose in that hole, then rotate engine. When you hear air coming out then you know it is in the compression stroke, exactly where you want to be. Rotate to top dead center (check the marking on the crank pulley).

Block Image

Find the #1 spark plug wire hole on the distributor cap. This is where the rotor will point to when installed correctly. The biggest issue here is that you are at top dead center with the number #1 piston. It has to be on the compression stroke. After that once the engine is running you'll need a timing light to properly set the timing on your vehicle.

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If you have a service manual or can get a hold of one. You will need to reset your static timing. Because you've moved the dizzy that is all you can do at this time.

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is this difficult to do and does it require more than 1 person.


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Spark plugs flooded with gas

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tim casebeer wird auf ewig dankbar sein.

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Letzte 7 Tage: 1

Letzte 30 Tage: 6

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