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Charger is slightly burnt on the end

My brother's charger has a small black burn mark on the end of the charger that plugs into your phone, it still works but there's the mark and I'm not sure what it's from and if it'll damage the phone when it's plugged in. I'm not looking for a fix, but I'd like to know if it'll damage the iPhone being plugged in. I can provide photos of it later if need be.

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I have the same problem but with my computer on the cord that plugs into the wall has black stuff on it is it ok to plug it back into the wall


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The black mark is from arcing between the charge port and the connector. If your charge port has debris in it and needs cleaned out the charger connector doesn’t go into the port as it should and arcing can begin. The charge cable should be ok but I’d check for dirt inside the port.

Put the charger into the port, if the plastic part of the charger connector touches the bottom of the phone or very nearly touches then the port is ok.

If there’s a gap of a mm or more then it probably needs cleaned out. I get customers all the time at work with iPhones that need the port cleaned. Common problem with iPhones.

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mine do this all the time, i've never had any damage to my phone. what does happen though is that the charger stops working or starts to work on one side, you can try cleaning the burn off with alcohol but it's easier to just get a new cable. probably see if you can get an actual brand charger because in my experience the off brand ones always seem to burn out faster :')


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There's a potential that it will. "Potential" It could be ok, but any time there's a burn mark on any sort of adapter, charger, plug-in, you're only asking for trouble in the long run. If it's as easy to replace as that is, replace it.

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this happens to my cables all the time and my phone has never had issues. what will happen though is your cable will stop working on one or both sides. you can try cleaning off the burn with alcohol but that's never worked for me personally so i would just say keep your port clean and get a new cable probably the actual brand meant for your phone because it will last longer

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source: i just burned out a new cable because i left it plugged in and my whole family used it nonstop for weeks


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I believe this is caused by residual power from the charging socket. Try unplugging the adapter from the wall before taking it out of your phone.

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I never had a problem with my charger until I returned it because I got fed up with the fingerprint sensor, which sucked (Motorola 2021... searched online and discovered it is widely known for having a bad fingerprint sensor.)

Verizon sent me a "replacement" with the same stupid "side sensor" which is ALSO the on/off button. Stupid stupid design!

Anyway, I never had a problem with the charging port or charger, but when I returned the phone Verizon then claimed that the charging port was burned. I took pictures and everything but I couldn't see from the pictures that anything was different about the charging port. That was when I learned about ports burning. Never ever ever had a problem before, but I do wonder whether maybe a power surge or something in the building I live in may cost it. Should have insured it, but I've never had phone problems at all, so I didn't think it was all that important, but now I'm out another $600 for a phone that basically sucked. Still fighting with Verizon and working on a complaint with the FCC. Anyone out there with similar problems?

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Same happens to my iPhone chargers and they usually end up breaking if you don’t consistently clean the marks off, and try to keep your port clean.

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